A book about surviving the confidence slayers

in the Workplace

Are you a confidence slayer or target? Take the quiz below:

Confidence Slayers Fragile Souls is a concept and book about toxic behavior in the workforce and what can be done about it, especially when it leaves your confidence in your skills and abilities significantly undermined, making it hard for you to bounce back. Some leaders exhibit confidence slayer attributes making it difficult to foster a healthy work environment for their employees.
A confidence slayer is anyone who by words and actions weakens your confidence.


Leaders: Find out if you have confidence slayers attributes by taking this quiz. Do you want to learn more about improving your leadership skills? Contact


Employees/Individuals: Are you the target of confidence slayers in the workforce? Take this quiz and share your story!


Dr. Cassandra McBride-Smith is a thought leader in the field of people management, serving as the founder of McBride & Smith Training Advisory Group. With a remarkable background spanning over 22 years in training and professorship in Adult Learning, she possesses a wealth of expertise. Her company specializes in guiding businesses through training strategies, fostering employee engagement, developing eLearning solutions, and honing leadership skills. 

Dr. McBride-Smith has spearheaded global training initiatives for Fortune 500 companies and has also imparted her knowledge to tertiary students through online teaching. Her vast experience bridges the gap between academic insights and corporate practicality. She has conducted extensive research on leadership, virtual collaboration, and enhancing soft skills for people managers, making her a sought-after expert in both educational and professional circles.

About Confidence Slayer

Confidence Slayers: Fragile Souls is a book about toxic behavior in the workforce and what can be done about it, especially when it leaves your confidence in your skills and abilities significantly undermined, making it hard for you to bounce back. When we look around, we can see the remnants and results of poorly trained individuals who don’t understand how to de-escalate issues in the workforce, community, retail, and service industries. Often, addressing these issues isn’t a priority until something significant occurs, such as high turnover rates, churn, and declining sales.
A confidence slayer is anyone who by words and actions weakens your confidence.

Why Read this book?

The book explains the impact confidence slayers have on employees, especially when the confidence slayers are people managers. Mishandled employee conflicts, disengaged leaders, and senior leadership avoiding vulnerability and making necessary decisions create a breeding ground for a dysfunctional workforce. If you are wondering whether you possess confidence slayer attributes, read this book and learn steps to improve yourself and your organization. If you are a victim of confidence slayers, whether they are leaders or peers, read this book to learn how to survive workplace toxicity.

Calling all Confidence Slayers

Are you a leader or people manager exhibiting confidence-slayer attributes?

Is this impacting your bottom line?

Are you employees dealing with mean girls at work?

Do you even know?

Mission & Vision

My name is Dr.Cassandra McBride-Smith

and I am the founder of McBride & Smith Training Advisory Group

My Mission

My mission is to empower individuals to metaphorically ’SLAY the CONFIDENCE SLAYERS’ in the workforce. I am dedicated to helping you harness your unique talents, bolster your confidence, and, if you’re a people manager, identify and eliminate attributes that undermine confidence. I achieve this by collaborating directly with people managers and beyond.

My goal

My goal is to equip employees with the tools to not only survive but thrive amidst the confidence slayers in the workforce. I accomplish this through comprehensive employer leadership training, engaging speaking engagements, and expert consulting services. Together, we can conquer the challenges that hinder confidence and create a workplace culture where everyone can flourish.

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